The website is entirely owned by the company Saget La Perrière
Maison Saget La Perrière
Address: La Castille, 58150 Pouilly-sur-Loire
Telephone: +33 (0)3 86 39 57 75
4 Avenue Pierre Beregovoy
58000 NEVERS
SIRET : 80939469500013
TVA : FR72809394695
Photo credits and illustrations :
Laurent Saget, Benoit Courti, Jean-Philippe Erhmann, Fred Pieau, Pierre Merat, Restaurant La Tour, Anne Montel
Shutterstock / oneinchpunch, Pinkyone, iravgustin, Dario Lo Presti, luckyraccoon, IrynaProkofieva, Rawpixel, Daxiao Productions
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No personal or named details are collected on this website. As part of Saget La Perrière’s privacy policy, no personal information is given, sold or rented out to companies or individual people.
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As part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force on May 25, 2018 within the European Union, we are committed to protecting your personal data. We may collect your personal information when you contact us through our contact form. The data collected is used internally only for the purpose of order management, management of administrative or commercial requests, promotion of our products or services or to send you information following your request. You can contact our Data Processing Manager at the following address: You have at any time a right of rectification and opposition to personal data about you.
Website contents:
The company Saget La Perrière accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions pertaining to the information available on this website.
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This website and its contents, namely texts, photographs, videos, brands..., are protected by articles 112-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code and fall under both French and international legislation on Literary and Artistic Property. Copying website pages onto any media – including hard drives – is authorised solely for private purposes. Consequently, any representation or reproduction, in part or in whole, of this website or its contents without prior written consent from Saget La Perrière, is unlawful and may be deemed to constitute infringement of copyright and incur civil and criminal liabilities for the offender.
Hypertext links: Hypertext links to other websites on the internet that are inserted into this website can in no way constitute grounds for liability of the company Saget La Perrière with regard to their content or the links they contain, or their conditions of use (namely personal data management). Establishing simple hypertext links to the website requires prior consent from Saget La Perrière. Any deep linking or use of the ‘framing’ technique, whereby a page is displayed as part of another website, is forbidden.
Technical disclaimer:
Saget La Perrière undertakes to make every effort to ensure that the website is accessible at all times. However, Saget La Perrière declines any responsibility in case of difficulty of access to its site or interruptions in the connection, whatever the causes. In particular, Saget La Perrière reserves the right to make any modification of the site that it deems useful, and this without warning and even if access to the site is consequently interrupted. In addition, Saget La Perrière can not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, including inaccessibility to the site, data loss, damage, destruction that may affect your computer equipment.